Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
Stephen Wiggins
Not Available
Numerical Methods in Matrix Computations
Âke Björck
Computational Electromagnetics
Thomas Rylander and 2 more
Waves and Compressible Flow
Hilary Ockendon and 1 more
An Introduction to Modeling Neuronal Dynamics
Christoph Börgers
Introduction to Applied Mathematics
L Sirovich
An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
Michael Renardy and 1 more
Growth and Diffusion Phenomena
Robert B Banks
Robert Banks
The Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods
Susanne C Brenner and 1 more
Introduction to Mechanics and Symmetry
JE Marsden and 1 more
Partial Differential Equations
Michael E Taylor
Introduction to the Theory of Stability
David Rakhmilevich Merkin
Dynamics and Bifurcations
Jack K Hale and 1 more
Markov Chains
Pierre Brémaud
Ordinary Differential Equations With Applications
Carmen Charles Chicone
A Course in Robust Control Theory
Geir E Dullerud and 1 more
Mathematical Models in Population Biology and Epidemiology
Fred Brauer and 1 more
Scientific Computing With Ordinary Differential Equations
P Deuflhard and 1 more
Numerical Analysis in Modern Scientific Computing
Andreas Hohmann and 1 more
Numerical Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations
Peter Knabner and 1 more
Partial Differential Equations With Numerical Methods
S Larsson and 1 more
Mathematical Systems Theory 1
Diederich Hinrichsen and 1 more
Mathematical Systems Theory I
Differential Equations
John H Hubbard and 1 more
Methods and Applications of Singular Perturbations
F Verhulst
Anders Bondeson and 2 more
Multiscale Methods
Grigorios A Pavliotis and 1 more
An Introduction to Delay Differential Equations With Applications to the Life Sciences
hal smith
Stochastic Tools in Mathematics and Science
Alexandre Joel Chorin and 1 more
An Introduction to Mathematical Epidemiology
Maia Martcheva
Data Assimilation
Kody Law and 2 more
Introduction to Uncertainty Quantification
TJ Sullivan
Numerical Approximation of Partial Differential Equations
Sören Bartels
Ordinary Differential Equations
John W Cain and 1 more
David G Schaeffer and 1 more
Calculus of Variations
Hansjörg Kielhöfer
Quantitative Methods for Investigating Infectious Disease Outbreaks
Ping Yan and 1 more
Finite Elements. I Approximation and Interpolation
Alexandre Ern and 1 more
Finite Elements. II Galerkin Approximation, Elliptic and Mixed PDEs
Stephen Coombes and 1 more
An Introduction to Optimal Control Theory
O HernándezLerma and 3 more
Onésimo HernándezLerma and 3 more
An Introduction to Applied Probability
Applied Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Carl L Gardner